Oh My Cron
Oh boy. I feel like I may never truly understand how cron works compared to other task scheduling applications. Today I went through a whole mess of steps to try and get a job scheduled to automatically generate my github contributions chart.
What happened? So, I was able to use the lovely githubchart gem to generate my githubchart SVG with no issues at all. It was so simple.
> gem install githubchart > githubchart -u onlymattjohnson .…
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Learning About Linux Permissions
So, who knows what’s a good pace for writing blog posts, but since I’m in the habit of writing up notes about new things I learn, might as well write a post even though I already put one up earlier today.
Permissions So, I’ve got this website running on a linux server which serves this out of a directory /var/www/onlymattjohnson.com which is owned by the www-data group. I was trying to upload the files by ftp for my user but I found that I couldn’t write to the folder.…
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A First Post
Hello! Welcome to my new website. This is a first post for my updated site that I would like to begin blogging on. The site is built with Hugo using a modificatio of the Archie theme
I will be making small tweaks here and there and figuring out how to automatically deploy this to my server, but first thing is first and I’m getting the site up and running. This is a first post to allow for that.…
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